Stories to be remembered » Animagic Studios

Category Description

Any short form self contained piece with a narrative emphasis.

Project Description

A homage to one of humanity’s most powerful tools. Our stories.
“Stories to be remembered” is an ambitious and evocative piece condensing humanity’s story in an impactful and moving 2.5 min runtime.

The evocative and poetic concept delves into the core aspects of humanity, touching the audience’s hearts and letting their imagination fly. “Stories to be remembered” is a small bite of artistry that will leave you with a good and heartfelt aftertaste.


Creative Direction
David Calderón

Francisco Jimenez

Written by
David Calderón

Animation Direction
Jordi Ayguasenosa

Art Direction
Alfredo Barajas

Art Department
Alfredo Barajas, Flor Lopez, Fernanda Acosta

2D Animation
Jordi Ayguasenosa, Moncho Massé, Thiago Feitosa, Javier Ibañez, Ignacio Osorio

3D Animation
Josep Ayguasenosa, David Calderon, Jose Castillo

Compositing & VFX
David Calderon

Music & Sound Design
Ambrose Yu

Voice Over
Dave Petit, Russell Bin

Edith BMedel, Alfredo Barajas